My Neighbour puts goats on his washing line.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, all birdtables go to heaven.

Put salt on a LumberJack, they're as good as slugs for christmas lights.

How Very Odd!

This site is dedicated to everything that doesn't make any sense whatsoever. This is the place to be for things such as Hairdryers piloting Harrier Jump Jets. If it comes from the deepest depths of your oddness gland, then I want to know about it.

I tells it like it is
Peregrin, the politically-incorrect potato, needs YOUR help to get control of world governments. (The potatoes views in no way reflect the views of the designers of this website, and are meant in a satirical context).

Paint with my shit and win a Turner prize for ya Nan, innit?
Click on Alison, the autistic bovine, for the latest info on all your favourite celebrities.
Libel is guarenteed.

William Shatner exhaust pipe propaganda
Right, for those who dare open the box, you're in for some craziness to test your commitment to all things nonsensical...not for the normal. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

I'm a blue toothbrush,
you're a pink toothbrush
Communists, you are welcome here but wipe your feet before you come in please.


Click on Graham Pooch for all you need to know about dogs noses.

I smells a smell

Yes, Captain Howveryodd is a proud supporter of CARP. Do you remember the 'MARATHON' bar?
If so, visit CARP now and offer your support.


I believes ya, but my Tommy-gun don't.
Click on Tommy Gun and witness Captain Howveryodd fearlessly anonomously take the piss out of infamous gangland figures!

It wasn't me Terry.
Click on Nigel, the Danish alligator, for the latest News, Wevva, and Sport.
Failing that, inflate a sausage until Marlon Brando tells you to pack it in.

na, na, na, na, na, na,
na, na, na, na, na, Hey Jude
Click on me, Leichtensteins foremost Ringo Starr impersonator, to E-Mail Captain Howveryodd. Or, eat a trombone.

Sir Bob
Wanna see 31 things the Queen would never say, and more?
Then click this pic of Sir Bob Geldof, who hates the Queen!

Irrelevant rock, even more than volcanoes.
Irrelevant are a band from Wales. You'll like them more than chairs.

When I was a
lad we 'ad 'ut banga between 4 o' us
Fred Figget knowz 'is bangaz, he's a banga-man through-and -through. Click on Fred to see this months astounding 'BANGER OF THE MONTH!!'

Are you a secret fan of kidz TV favourite 'Rainbow'? Got every episode on tape?
Then go here for everything you ever wanted to know about Rainbow but didn't know anyone crazy enuff to ask:


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